Salius Pharma is India's leading natural exporter ofstandardized botanical extracts worldwide. Arjuna (TerminaliaArjuna) extracts have been widely used in Ayurvedic medicinesince ancient times. The bark of the tree has been used for several centuriesfor treating cardiovascular ailments. Several substances in arjuna herb havevery strong antioxidant benefits. Its stem bark possesses glycosides, largequantities of flavonoids, tannins and minerals. Flavonoids have been detectedto exert antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and lipid lowering effects whileglycosides are cardio tonic, thus making Terminalia arjuna unique amongcurrently used medicinal plants. In rodent studies these antioxidants protectheart tissue from damage. Experimental studies have revealed the bark of arjunato exert inotropic and hypotensive effect, increasing coronary artery flow andprotecting cardiac tissue against ischemic damage.
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